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This Is How You Use Social Media Agencies To Find A Job

Social media today is full of different services, each with its own characteristics. What these services have in common is that they can also be used for job search!  


We collected the big things you need to know about the great services available. Read the listings and look at the articles behind the buttons to move ahead of other job seekers in your job search.

Social Media

1. Instagram


It is a good idea to get to know a potential employer company as soon as you apply. Many know how to point to a company's website, but not everyone notices to visit their Instagram page. 


Instagram is a great service to showcase your company in your daily life, and you may get a lot of insight into your company's future corporate culture. 


The information can also be used in an interview: "I noticed on Instagram that you have a lot of common events. I would also like to have a work community with such a good spirit." In addition, many companies refer to job openings on Instagram.


2. Twitter


The advantage of Twitter is that you can naturally follow anyone. Twitter is characterized by a real-time discussion of current topics.


This is where you can easily show that you are nervous about time and know the latest trends. The tweet has a maximum character count of 140, so if you manage to make your message nasty and remember to use good hashtags, you can get a lot of attention from unexpected people on the service. 


3. Pinterest


Pinterest could be described as a virtual notebook. Many people are used to using Pinterest, for example, to find recipes and crafting tips but how many have thought of using it to find jobs? 


On Pinterest, you can create a visual portfolio of yourself in your own account and show what you know. Pinterest also has the ability to gain additional visibility for existing content elsewhere on the web, such as blog posts. Managing such a new service also tells the employer that you are always ready for new ideas.


4. LinkedIn


LinkedIn is the most well-known job search service for finding jobs. It has changed recruitment and replaced business cards at networking events. 


Your profile is an electronic resume, so it's worth investing in there are many headhunters in the world whose day job is to go through the talent found on LinkedIn.

linked in

Aside from having a good look and content, it's important to remember to use specific keywords in your profile that are specifically used in LinkedIn: this will help you to differentiate yourself better in search results. 


In addition, you will find jobs on LinkedIn, both directly from the service itself and from dedicated career opportunities groups.


5. Facebook


Since Facebook is currently the most popular user in the world, it has also attracted employers to reach suitable candidates.


Remember to make sure your public profile is representative! Facebook is a good place to keep track of companies you are interested in and career opportunities in your own profession. 


6. Snapchat


With Snapchat, you can impress ultra-modern employers. You can stay positive in the company by responding to their snacks and branding yourself with Snapchat. However, we recommend that you create a separate Snapchat account for your job search so that you don't accidentally send friend snippets to your employer.

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